Thursday night when my husband got home from work, I greeted him at the door and started getting reading to leave for VBS. I was complaining about the fact that I failed to say "no" to the last minute request that I teach the preschool class. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy teaching, especially the little ones. What I didn't like was the fact that this particular VBS was painfully ill-planned and disorganized.
I am a natural organizer, ok maybe OCD would be a better description. Anyway, as I was lamenting this to my dear husband, he looked at me and said "you have two options, either grin bear it and do it, or be willing to step up and do the necessary things to change it next year."
I must have looked as though my head were about to explode, because he suddenly stopped talking and immediately apologized for trying to "fix it" instead of just listening. I gave him a hug and kiss, and walked out the door.
This is a prime example of the differences between men and women. I want (need) to just VENT sometimes, and then I can go on my merry little way. My husband however expects a solution for every little problem, which is probably why he is so darn good at his job. I, however do not work for him and appreciate a patient listener every now and then.
I am one of the lucky ones, JT is usually very good at discerning when I expect him to fix it, and when I just want him to simply listen. To be fair, I should have known better than to bombard him with my complaint before he had a chance to make the switch from "work JT" to "family JT".
As the evening wrapped up, I was approached by the very person who had asked me to teach this year. My heart filled with dread as she said "I have been praying and hoping that you would help me with next years VBS. We could begin planning in January, and hopefully be a bit more organized next time."
O dear me, what ever am I going to do. You see what complaining gets you? I guess I will just have to (what was it JT said?) step up and be willing to do the necessary things to change it next year. Don't you just hate it when they are right? Ok, I get it. This aught to be a lot of fun.
author's note: This post is dedicated to my favorite person in the whole world, my husband, the love of my life.I love you JT.