Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beautiful Virginia

On Saturday we took a trip down to the Cascades, a 66 foot waterfall near Blacksburg, VA. It was a beautiful afternoon, with just enough rain sprinkles to keep us cooled off as we hiked up the mountain. I carried Elizabeth in the backpack...

and the guys walked on ahead of us.

JT and Miles found some awesome rocks to clime on and explore.

It took us about 2 hours to hike all the way up to the falls (two miles), and the view was totally worth it.

Miles and I splashed in the FREEZING cold water while Elizabeth took a nap in her carrier.

A butterfly decided to land next to me
and then we headed back down the trail. Miles had to stop to rest a few times on the way back.

I was very impressed with my little man, he hiked the entire 4 mile round trip without complaining about being tired or asking to be carried.
The 2 hour drive home was pleasantly quiet with both children worn out.
We all had such a good time that we will definitely be doing more hikes like this one.

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